
Do you think you're clever than this dog??? Watch a heartwarming video clip showing a dog rescuing her pup!!!

This heartwarming footage shows the moment a mother risked drowning to save her pup.

Floods have ravaged India over recent months, but this brave canine showed her maternal instinct to spring into action.

In a street overcome with water and rubbish, the little dog is rescued from its precarious position.

Watch Video:

The dog can be seen making its way through the flooded Indian street on its rescue mission

After scooping up her pup in the mouth, the mother sets off back through the floods

The clip begins by panning into the animal paddling through deep waters. Cars are almost completely submerged, and there are large piles of rubbish.

You can just about make out the desperate whimper of the stranded puppy.

The mother then reaches a mound of rubbish where her baby is stranded. Scooping her offspring up with her mouth, the daring pooch then begins the swim back to where she started.

The whimpers of the stranded puppy can be heard, but help is soon at hand and a welcome face.

The dog makes it back successfully on the other side with the rescue mission completed

Thankfully she makes it to the other side, and drops off the lucky pup.

It is believed she had to carry out the same rescue mission another three times to rescue more of her offspring. 

Credits: Mail online

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Do you think you're clever than this dog??? Watch a heartwarming video clip showing a dog rescuing her pup!!! Do you think you're clever than this dog??? Watch a heartwarming video clip showing a dog rescuing her pup!!! Reviewed by Zero Degree on 12/23/2015 04:27:00 PM Rating: 5

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