
Top 10 nourishing facts about bananas you never new!!!

Let this day be tasty and sunny as bananas! Here we present twenty curious facts about these fruits.

1. Bananas are the best-selling items!
Cheap, healthy and tasty – the right choice!

2. Bananas contain a natural chemical that can make a person happy – The same chemical found in Prozac.

Just have a break and eat a couple of them right now!


3. Eating 50 bananas will give you the same dose of radiation as 1 dental x-ray.

Yeah, bananas can be used a measure unit for radioactive radiation because they themselves contain radioactive isotopes.


4. Just two bananas provide enough energy for an intense 90 minutes workout.

Do you remember how apes are strong? This is probably why.

5. Bananas can help prevent and cure hangovers.

Just like any other fruit with high content of potassium.
6. Bananas have no fat, cholesterol or sodium.

Instead it is a good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C, Potassium and Manganese, and a perfect source of Vitamin B6.

7. Humans share 50% of their DNA with bananas.
Well, bananas could a great symbolic birthday gift!


8. It would take at least 480 bananas to die of of potassium overdose.
But he would ever accept the challenge and experience that?

9. Eating bananas is a natural cure to reduce the effects of stress and anxiety.

That’s why so many people of the world love bananas and say it’s their favorite fruit.

10. Bananas are known to lower the risk of heart attacks and strokes, as well as decrease your risk of getting cancer, according to the FDA.

It’s another reason to add bananas to your diet and experiment with banana recipes.


Credits: bestpictureblog
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Top 10 nourishing facts about bananas you never new!!! Top 10 nourishing facts about bananas you never new!!! Reviewed by Zero Degree on 12/19/2015 12:48:00 PM Rating: 5

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