
Why every man SHOULD be circumcised, men's sexual health expert explained

Most adult men shudder at the thought of a scalpel getting anywhere near their penis.

And yet, there has a surge in adult male circumcision procedures over the past few years.

Men who didn’t undergo circumcision as a child are now overcoming their fears - going under the knife to have their hoods removed.

Men’s health expert Dr Paul Turek, of The Turek Clinic in California, told Daily Mail Online circumcision lowers a man’s risk of transmitting sexually transmitted diseases.

Men's health expert, Dr Paul Turek of The Turek Clinic, revealed to Daily Mail Online that adult male circumcision is on the rise - and more men are snipping off their so-called turtlenecks than ever before

It also reduces their chances of developing penile cancer and can boost fertility, he added.

Dr Turek revealed to Daily Mail Online five key things everyone needs to know about adult circumcision.

Although more and more adult males are seeking out circumcision, the procedure is most common in infants.

The procedure removes the foreskin of the penis, and according to Dr Turek, is usually done for ‘ritualistic and cultural reasons'.

He said: ‘The American Academy of Pediatrics says it’s not routinely recommended for infants; that’s a change of heart over 50 years ago.

‘Circumcision has been associated with a lack of hygiene, and a lack of hygiene has been associated with health issues in kids.

‘Currently in America, the only thing that a circumcision does for boys is reduce the rate of urinary tract infections.’

For adults, UTIs aren’t too serious, but in children they can lead to lifelong kidney problems, he explained.

And so, while circumcision is still widely practiced, it is becoming far less common for children to go under the knife.

However, new studies have uncovered health benefits for circumcision.

Those discoveries have resulted in an increase in the number of adult men undergoing the procedure.

Circumcision is typically performed on infants, but those who did not undergo the procedure as children are now electing to go under the knife as adults. The procedure in adults is far more intense - and requires men to abstain from sex for at least a week afterward, Dr Turek said

But the minor operation is far less intense in children – requiring just a clamp, Dr Turek said.

In contrast, in adulthood it requires that the patient be given more anesthesia, takes longer and sutures are needed.

Furthermore, children heal from circumcision overnight, while adults take far longer to recuperate.

And, adult men often have to abstain from sex for at least a week while they recover.

Circumcision prevents the spread of viral STDs, including HIV, Herpes and HPV – which is known to cause genital warts and cervical cancer.

Dr Turek said: ‘That data is indisputable. It comes from three US government sponsored trials conducted in three locations.’

Scientists are still working to determine just how circumcision is able to reduce the spread of those viral infections.

However, according to Dr Turek, the current theory is that the foreskin acts as a reservoir for secretion.

And, those secretions contain viruses, such as HIV and herpes.

Circumcision helps reduce the transmission of viral STDs, including HIV, herpes and HPV, according to Dr Turek. That's because the foreskin acts as a reservoir that absorbs viral secretion

Furthermore, with those secretions residing on the hood of the penis, contact time with someone who does not have the virus can be increased.

He added: ‘Penile skin – foreskin – is like eyelid skin. It’s very thin.

‘Increased contact time of potential viral pathogens can be important.’

However, circumcision reduces that reservoir and limits the contact time.

That’s why HIV infection rates were lowered by 60 per cent in circumcised men in the studies, he said.

Yet, circumscion has not been found to have any effect on the spread of viral STDs, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea.

Penile cancer is incredibly rare, according to Dr Turek.

And, the disease is virtually nonexistent in circumcised men.
Effectively the only men who get cancer of the penis – which nobody would ever want – are men who are uncircumcised

He said: ‘Effectively the only men who get cancer of the penis – which nobody would ever want – are men who are uncircumcised.’

That’s because scientists believe penile cancer – like cervical cancer – may be caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV).

Dr Turek said: ‘Some penile cancers have a pre-malignant stat that looks just like warts.

‘They grow like them and look like they, so we think they’re directly related.’

Because circumcision reduces the transmission of HPV, it is thought to also reduce the likelihood of a man developing penile cancer.

He added: ‘Surely if cervical cancer comes from HPV, you’d think this does, too.’


Some people assume that going under the knife can make sex more pleasurable.

However, according to Dr Turek, circumcision has no effect on sensations during sex.

He said: ‘Most men who get the operation as an adult – where they can compare sex before and after the hood is removed – do not notice the difference.’

The doctor explained that the male G-spot is unaffected by the procedure, which accounts for the unchanged sensation.

The G-spot is on the bottom of the penis, rather than the foreskin, he added.

Furthermore, adult circumcision reduces the risk of penile cancer and can help men suffering from fertility problems. But, it doesn't have any effect on the sensations men experience during sex - for the penis was made to be uncircumcised, so the rolling back and forth of the foreskin can actually increase pleasure

And anyway, the penis is a sexual organ that was never designed to be improved through circumcision.

Dr Turek said: ‘The penis was made to be uncircumcised, so there’s something to be said for the rolling back and forth of the skin to increase speed bumps that increase pleasure.’

Some men who stop by Dr Turek’s office for adult circumcision have issues with fertility.

Most commonly, those men are suffering from disorders called phimosis and blanitis.

Dr Turek said: ‘Phimosis is the inability to retract the foreskin. It’s too tight and it can cause problems with sex and fertility.’

Phimosis is most often found in diabetics – and because there are more diabetics than ever before, the condition is becoming more common.

He added: ‘Balanitis is also higher in diabetics.

‘That’s inflammation of the glands. The head of the penis gets inflamed and itchy or red; sometimes it’s hard to eradicate if the penis is always covered.’

However, once the hood is removed, both of those problems usually are remedied.

Men with phimosis and balanitis are able to overcome the disorders – and their fertility returns, Dr Turek added.

Credits: Mail online
Why every man SHOULD be circumcised, men's sexual health expert explained Why every man SHOULD be circumcised, men's sexual health expert explained Reviewed by Zero Degree on 2/22/2016 12:47:00 PM Rating: 5

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