
Shocking discovery: High school student finds a WORM crawling around in her lunch plate, "It was a piece of rice", Claimed by staff workers

Shocking discovery: Jennifer Sain, 42, of Clover, South Carolina, said her daughter texted her this photo of a worm she found in the side of rice that she got at the Clover High School cafeteria.
Jennifer said the worm was on her daughter's friend's plate when they went to show it to the cafeteria lady.  However, the employee reportedly told her it was 'just a piece of rice that didn't puff when it cooked'. 

The concerned mom said she notified the health department about the alarming find 'just to be sure that it's not coming from the kitchen being uncleanly'.  

'The principal led me to believe that it may have come from the people that provide the food to the schools,' she said. I think parents should be notified when anything like that happens, I mean there could potentially be a health issue there.

A high school student may be swearing off cafeteria food once and for all after allegedly discovering a worm crawling inside the side of rice she got during lunch. 

Jennifer Sain, 42, of Clover, South Carolina, said her daughter, who is a sophomore at Clover High School, texted her a photo of a worm in her cafeteria lunch on Monday.  'It's definitely either a maggot or a meal-worm,' the mother told WCNC of the critter in the photo. 

Disgusting find: The concerned mother said she believes the critter was 'definitely either a maggot or a meal-worm' 'Somebody could get sick from ingesting them.' 

According to WCNC, the Clover School District confirmed on Tuesday that it has notified the food vendor responsible for providing the rice, adding that it also removed that order of rice from all of its schools, and had checked all other orders. 

'The health and safety of our students is our highest priority,' the school district said in a statement. 'We take this incident very seriously and are conducting a thorough supplier investigation with our Quality Assurance team. 

'As soon as we were notified we immediately removed the product from lunch service and have pulled all associated product from the schools.

Appetite killer: A Clover High School (pictured) cafeteria employee allegedly told Jennifer's daughter that it was 'just a piece of rice that didn't puff when cooked'

'The Department of Health and Environmental Controls inspected our schools today and gave our foodservice operations at 100 per cent for sanitation and food safety practices.' 
And while finding a worm in your food is more than enough to kill your appetite, Jennifer's daughter isn't the only one who has had such an unpleasant discovery. New York Times writer Nick Bilton, 39, posted a stomach-turning Facebook video showing inchworm crawling in his kale salad. 

'Hmm, that's strange. Lettuce doesn't move,' Nick wrote about his first thought upon seeing movement in his salad - before realizing there was a live creature in his food. Unfortunately for the author, he had nearly finished his meal before he saw the worm wriggling on his plate.

Source: Mail online

Shocking discovery: High school student finds a WORM crawling around in her lunch plate, "It was a piece of rice", Claimed by staff workers Shocking discovery: High school student finds a WORM crawling around in her lunch plate, "It was a piece of rice", Claimed by staff workers  Reviewed by Zero Degree on 11/21/2015 08:40:00 AM Rating: 5

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