10 Daily Tips that will Keep Your Skin Healthy all the time!!!
Most people know that it is good to take vitamins and eat healthy in order to keep their body healthy. However, few people take the time to really take care of the biggest organ in their body – their skin. The skin is a vital part of our health and our appearance. Just a few simple steps every day can keep your skin vibrant, healthy and looking great. These 10 daily tips for your skin will have huge results in less time that you think.
1. Clean the Skin

This is the most obvious tip but it is also easy to do wrong. You want to choose the right cleanser for all the areas of the body. If you have sensitive skin you should use a gentle soap everywhere but your face. Any cleanser for your face should be soap free. Facial cleansers should be chosen based on your skin type – Creamy cleansers for dry skin, drying cleansers for oily skin. You should rub the cleaner onto your face for at least 20 seconds so it can have time to work.
2. Take an Omega 3 Supplement

Essential fatty acids are necessary to protect the skin from UV rays and pollutants that are found everywhere outside your home. Fatty acids are oils and the body uses these oils to create a barrier that protects the skin. Omega-6 and Omega-3 are the most important for this process. Most people get enough Omega-6 from the food they eat but not enough Omega-3. So just add an Omega 3 supplement to help protect your skin.
3. Use Sunscreen

Most people do not realize that wrinkled and aged looking skin is not always the result of aging alone. In face most of the skin issues that people associate with aging are actually sun damage. Leaving the skin unprotected in the sun can lead to discoloration, wrinkles, and poor skin elasticity. So before you leave the house and go out in the sun make sure that you apply a sunscreen greater than SPF 15 at least 20 minutes before leaving.
4. Drink Water

Anyone that gives you advice about good health will tell you that you need to drink water. Every part of the body needs water to function and the skin is no different. With proper hydration the skin can remove any impurities (which can lead to pimples and blemishes) and it becomes very smooth and soft. In order to maintain proper hydration in the skin you should drink at least half a gallon of water a day.
5. Eat Healthy

A lot of the nutrients that you find in fruits and vegetables is good for your skin. Vitamin C is useful for creating collagen which makes the skin look tight and plump. Vitamin E protects cell membranes and helps ward off damage from UV. Vitamin E can be found in almonds and peanut butter, while Vitamin C is found in grains, apples, and citrus.
6. Stop Smoking

If you smoke then you should stop and you should stop being around cigarette smoke whenever possible. Smoke is a pollutant that can put impurities in the skin and it can age your skin prematurely. This is also true of smog if you live in a big city. Always wash your skin as soon as you return home or leave the smoke. You can also put a moisturizer on the skin to help protect it.
7. Sleep

You should make sure that you get the right amount of sleep every night. Not only is night the best time for your skin to repair itself. If you are going without enough sleep you can have bags under your eyes, pallid skin and even wrinkles. Sleep also encourages the body to release growth hormones which thicken the skin and keep it healthy.
8. Use Toner

There are a wide range of toners available that can do different things for your skin. Astringent toners can tighten the skin, reduce the appearance of pores and remove oil. Toners also have a number of moisturizers and extracts that can help soothe your skin, especially after being exposed to pollutants or impurities. Some find that toner can also even out their skin tone. Use it every day after your cleanser.
9. Exercise

Exercise is something that is necessary for the overall health of your body. If you have a job that is largely sedentary then you need to make some sort of exercise part of your daily routine. Good health is reflected in the skin so the more you take care of yourself and your body, the better your skin will look and feel.
10. Move Your Sun Visor

If you drive during the day you should make sure to move your car’s sun visor to block the sun. It has been shown that women and men both tend to have skin that is more damaged on the side of their face that faces the sun. So when you drive your car make sure that you use the sun visor to keep the rays of the sun off your skin as much as possible. Even with sunscreen prolonged sun exposure in the car can damage the skin.
Credits: GOODTips4Life
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10 Daily Tips that will Keep Your Skin Healthy all the time!!!
Reviewed by Zero Degree
12/06/2015 10:15:00 AM