
Why you should NEVER TRY to squeeze your spots - read what our skin expert say's!!

Squeezing spots could lead to an lead to infection, permanent scarring and discolouration that is hard to treat, according to Dr Cameron Rokhsar, a New-York-based dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon (file photo).

It's the night before a date or an important interview, and your face erupts in spots.

The temptation is to squeeze them so the swelling subsides and your complexion clears.

But while this might seem like a good idea at the time, it could actually make acne worse, warns Dr Cameron Rokhsar, a dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon in New York and Long Island.

Moreover, squeezing spots can also damage skin, leading to infection and permanent scarring that is difficult to treat, he added.

Dr Rokhsar explained spots are caused by three factors: overproduction of oil, irregular shedding of dead skin, and a build-up of bacteria.

The skin is covered in tiny openings called pores which allow sweat and sebum - an oily substance the body produces to lubricate the skin and hair - to pass through.

When these become blocked with sebum, dead skin cells and bacteria, spots can form.

'Pores become plugged, and create pimples, zits, whiteheads, blackheads, nodules or cysts, depending on the severity of the acne,' he said.

One of the main causes of acne is hormone, as puberty causes a rise in hormone levels that makes the skin and hair oilier, Dr Rokhsar continued.

This contributes to clogged pores, and is why acne frequently affects hormone-imbalanced teenagers.

Oil glands (sebaceous glands), located in the skin at the base of the hair follicle, excrete oil (sebum) to lubricate the surface of the skin and hair which can become blocked and infected, causing spots. Pictured is a hair follicle in a person with clear skin (left), and in a person with a blackhead (centre) and whitehead (right).

Usually when hormone levels stabilize in their mid-20s, the frequency of severe outbreaks lessens significantly, he said.

However, it is a mistake to view it simply as a teenage condition.

'One of the most popular misconceptions about acne is that it exclusively affects teenagers,' he continued.

'Although acne affects teenagers more often, adults and children are not exempt.

'In recent years, pre-adolescent children have been going through puberty earlier, which means acne is affecting the younger age groups.

'And for those that have been plagued with bad genes, their battle with acne will continue long after pubescent years.

'Simple scrubs and facial cleansers aren’t going to cut it anymore.'

And many people with acne are tempted to squeeze their spots.

But the spot is like a 'bag' under the skin containing sebum, bacteria and dead skin cells.

Squeezing results in the contents of the bag being pushed into the surrounding skin, irritating it and making the problem worse.

The fluid can also be forced deeper into the hair follicle, which can cause infection, he said.

Dr Rokhsar said: 'Popping pimples will not make them less noticeable, in fact, it will only encourage irritation, which puts the skin in risk of infection and future acne scars that are more permanent and difficult to treat.'

Writing for The Conversation Dr Michelle Rodriguez, a dermatologist at St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne, said squeezing spots can also lead to a temporary discolouration and darkening of the skin.

Resisting the urge to squeeze is the best course of action, as the swelling will normally subside over a week or so without scarring, she said.

'The "white" contents of the spot will also settle down or spontaneously pop when ready.'

Both doctors urge sufferers to go and see a dermatologist if they feel a large spot or cyst is painful and needs to be popped.

Dr Rodriguez said: 'If large pimples require urgent treatment, a dermatologist can get rid of the contents of a pimple safely.

'They may also give it an injection that decreases inflammation and the pimple in a day or so.

'If pimples are something you battle with even on a monthly basis, it is advisable to see a dermatologist to find out what can be done to control the flares.'

These treatments can include medication, laser therapy, light therapy and lifestyle changes including reducing sugar in the diet.


Dr Cameron Rokhsar, a dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon in New York and Long Island says there are many myths regarding how to care for acne.

Here, he busts some of the common ones...

MYTH: 'You can tan acne away'

Not only is baking in the sun an ineffective way to reduce acne, but it also puts a person at risk for developing skin cancer.

When skin becomes darker, it may mask some of the redness that comes along with acne, but it is only temporary and does not solve the problem.

The skin can burn, which causes it to become dry and flaky.

This makes tanning an ineffective treatment approach, and will actually do more harm than good.

Even if a sunscreen with at least a protection level of SPF 30, it could still be harmful.

It’s important to make sure the sunscreen is also 'noncomedogenic' (non acne-causing) and oil-free, otherwise it will clog the pores and worsen acne.

Not only is tanning an ineffective way to reduce acne, but it also puts a person at risk for developing skin cancer, Dr Rokhsar said (file photo)

MYTH: 'You can wash your face more'

Yes, of course it’s important to maintain good hygiene routines to remove dead skin cells, excess oil, and dirt from the surface.

However, it’s not beneficial to over-wash and scrub the face because it will only irritate the skin and make acne worse.

Stay away from scrubs, exfoliants and products that contain alcohol because they will only dry the skin.

Instead, wash the face twice a day with mild soap or cleanser, then gently pat the skin dry with a soft towel.

MYTH: 'Let acne run its course'

It’s not a good idea to leave acne untreated.

Without treatment, acne can leave a person with dark spots and permanent scars that could have easily been avoided had it been treated with the proper care and attention it demanded.

Ignoring the presence of acne can worsen the skin condition, especially if an individual’s daily skincare isn’t adjusted to the skin’s new needs.

Source: DailyMail

Why you should NEVER TRY to squeeze your spots - read what our skin expert say's!! Why you should NEVER TRY to squeeze your spots - read what our skin expert say's!! Reviewed by Zero Degree on 3/31/2016 02:27:00 PM Rating: 5

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