
This is what happens when teachers give COMPLICATED INSTRUCTIONS in exams: Read this story of a pupil's ingenious exam paper answer which has swept the internet after an instruction misled him!!

An unnamed pupil scored points with the internet if not with their exam paper when they answered a question on tornado safety with an unexpected response. It's since gone viral with over 2,300,000 views.Patsfan94 posted the image with the caption: 'Kid's take on tornado safety.'

The question on the exam paper read: 'In your opinion, which location would be the most dangerous during a tornado?'

The possible answers were in school, at a park and in a store. But the instruction 'circle one' was written before the answers and the pupil gave this as the answer.

The student explained when prompted, 'It is way to [sic] dangerous to circle a tornado.'

One Imgur user wrote: 'This kid is going places. But not in a tornado, he's too smart for that.'
Imgur users agreed with the pupil on their answer to the question of where would be dangerous to be when a tornado hits, he answered to 'circle one' saying the kid was going places. But not in a tornado

Imgur users agreed with the pupil on their answer to the question of where would be dangerous to be when a tornado hits, he answered to 'circle one' saying the kid was going places. But not in a tornado
But the circle option was meant to instruct how to answer the question - although one commentator said the pupil's reading comprehension was '11/10' 

But the circle option was meant to instruct how to answer the question - although one commentator said the pupil's reading comprehension was '11/10'
Many pointed out that, although it wasn't technically the correct answer the pupil still wasn't 'wrong'

Many pointed out that, although it wasn't technically the correct answer the pupil still wasn't 'wrong'

The image quickly went viral since it was posted with 2,300,000 views.

Many agreed with the student, saying they had a point because circling a tornado would indeed be dangerous.

While another commended the pupil on reading the Q&A properly, saying: 'Reading comprehension 11/10.'

Another agreed that they were 'not wrong', and another poster commented the student was 'right you know'.

One wrote: 'This is wordbank-level of awesomeness here.'

Another agreed 'he's right you know'. The post has had over 100 comments since being posted on the site yesterday

Another agreed 'he's right you know'. The post has had over 100 comments since being posted on the site yesterday
Another poster deemed the pupil's 'awesomeness' to be great for his inventive response to the puzzle

Another poster deemed the pupil's 'awesomeness' to be great for his inventive response to the puzzle

The next question on the exam reads: 'Write a tongue twister that describes a tornado' which had one commenter on the edge of their seat

The next question on the exam reads: 'Write a tongue twister that describes a tornado' which had one commenter on the edge of their seat
But another just couldn't work out what the answer should be out of the options in school, at a park and in a store

But another just couldn't work out what the answer should be out of the options in school, at a park and in a store

The next question reads: 'Write a tongue twister that describes a tornado' which had one commenter on the edge of their seat.

They wrote: 'I want to see what he wrote for the tongue twister.'

While another wanted to get to the bottom of this baffling question: 'What's the answer? Park?'

The post has had more 100 comments since being shared on the site yesterday.

Credits: Mail online

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This is what happens when teachers give COMPLICATED INSTRUCTIONS in exams: Read this story of a pupil's ingenious exam paper answer which has swept the internet after an instruction misled him!! This is what happens when teachers give COMPLICATED INSTRUCTIONS in exams: Read  this story of a pupil's ingenious exam paper answer which has swept the internet after an instruction misled him!! Reviewed by Zero Degree on 12/12/2015 09:48:00 PM Rating: 5

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